Women bring with them a motherly nurturing spirit, turning the school into a ‘Home away from Home’

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DR. Gayani Rajasekar: Transforming Young Lives Through Education

In an era dominated by the mighty rat race to pursue success, where the well-being of little children gets sacrificed under the weight of books and expectations, Dr. Gayani Rajasekhar, a doctor by profession and altruist by passion, opened a way for children with a pressure-free education of ...

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Hurray! We got featured on this big platform😃

Sproutz Got Featured On YourStory Posted By: Mrs. Manjusha Gadamsetty, December 21, 2021 It’s a proud Sunday for us! The reason being we got featured on “YourStory” (Yourstory.com) Yayyyyy CLICK HERE to read our entire journey. Our journey about how we got started with Sproutz ...

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What’s your child’s favorite YouTube channel

Walk into any household with a child below 5 and within 15 minutes you will notice that the child goes into one corner with a phone watching some nursery rhymes or cartoons on YouTube or some app. Does this sound familiar? Most of us end up giving the phone or some screen to our children  ...

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This elementary educator explains how the Patri Puja ritual on Ganesh Chaturthi is a lesson in experiential learning

This elementary educator explains how the Patri Puja ritual on Ganesh Chaturthi is a lesson in experiential learning Posted By: Mrs. Manjusha Gadamsetty, September 25, 2021 Ganesha Chaturthi has a special place in the hearts of the Hindu community across the globe. This festival excites people ...

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If only adults are as aware!

If only the adults were as aware as our children!​ The first Corona case came to Hyderabad on March-02-2020We made this video on the next day ( March 3rd 2020) On March 3rd 2020, we had a dialogue with our children. All I had to do was to ask them what they know about COVID-19.  Read More

Little Helping Hands ….. Develop Responsible People

Did you ever observe a neighbour’s child helping his dad in cleaning car without being asked? Or, your cousin’s one year old putting her finished cup/bottle in the sink without reminders? Did you ever feel where these wonder children came from? Did you ever feel that your child never puts away ...

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Child’s Language Development

In this global era, it is expected from every one to be linguistically smart and learn at least 2 foreign languages to meet the global standards. Proficiency in English language has become a necessity. Parents and teachers attempt to start teaching the language, oral as well as written, at a ...

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Hoopla with your child!

Being busy all through the academic year, wading through the school routines, engaged with the school related activities such as home tasks, projects, exams and many more keep children’s brain active and ready to perceive more and more. As the summer vacation sets in, a large percentage of ...

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Watch this area for the latest happenings

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